Custom Mount Commands for React
If your React component relies on context to work properly, you need to wrap your component in a provider in your component tests. This is a good use case to create a custom mount command that wraps your components for you.
Below are a few examples that demonstrate how. These examples can be adjusted for most other providers that you will need to support.
React Router​
If you have a component that consumes a hook or component from
React Router, make sure the component has access to
a React Router provider. Below is a sample mount command that uses
to wrap the component.
import { mount } from 'cypress/react'
import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
Cypress.Commands.add('mount', (component, options = {}) => {
const { routerProps = { initialEntries: ['/'] }, ...mountOptions } = options
const wrapped = <MemoryRouter {...routerProps}>{component}</MemoryRouter>
return mount(wrapped, mountOptions)
import { MountOptions, MountReturn } from 'cypress/react'
import { MemoryRouterProps } from 'react-router-dom'
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable {
* Mounts a React node
* @param component React Node to mount
* @param options Additional options to pass into mount
component: React.ReactNode,
options?: MountOptions & { routerProps?: MemoryRouterProps }
): Cypress.Chainable<MountReturn>
To set up certain scenarios, pass in props that will get passed to
in the options. Below is an example test that ensures an active
link has the correct class applied to it by initializing the router with
pointed to a particular route:
import { Navigation } from './Navigation'
it('home link should be active when url is "/"', () => {
// No need to pass in custom initialEntries as default url is '/'
cy.mount(<Navigation />)
cy.get('a').contains('Home').should('have.class', 'active')
it('login link should be active when url is "/login"', () => {
cy.mount(<Navigation />, {
routerProps: {
initialEntries: ['/login'],
cy.get('a').contains('Login').should('have.class', 'active')
To use a component that consumes state or actions from a
Redux store, create a mount
command that will
wrap your component in a Redux Provider:
import { mount } from 'cypress/react'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
import { getStore } from '../../src/store'
Cypress.Commands.add('mount', (component, options = {}) => {
// Use the default store if one is not provided
const { reduxStore = getStore(), ...mountOptions } = options
const wrapped = <Provider store={reduxStore}>{component}</Provider>
return mount(wrapped, mountOptions)
import { MountOptions, MountReturn } from 'cypress/react'
import { EnhancedStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import { RootState } from './src/StoreState'
declare global {
namespace Cypress {
interface Chainable {
* Mounts a React node
* @param component React Node to mount
* @param options Additional options to pass into mount
component: React.ReactNode,
options?: MountOptions & { reduxStore?: EnhancedStore<RootState> }
): Cypress.Chainable<MountReturn>
The options param can have a store that is already initialized with data:
import { getStore } from '../redux/store'
import { setUser } from '../redux/userSlice'
import { UserProfile } from './UserProfile'
it('User profile should display user name', () => {
const user = { name: 'test person' }
// getStore is a factory method that creates a new store
const store = getStore()
// setUser is an action exported from the user slice
cy.mount(<UserProfile />, { reduxStore: store })
The getStore
method is a factory method that initializes a new Redux store. It
is important that the store be initialized with each new test to ensure changes
to the store don't affect other tests.